Sometimes things don’t work out for a reason. Although it felt like a huge inconvenience at the time, we’re glad the supply chain issues that stopped us from sourcing oatmilk led us to barleymilk. Ever heard of barleymilk? Yeah, we hadn’t either. Now we can’t stop talking about it.
Barleymilk is upcycled, fully sustainable, and unlike any other milk alternative in the industry. One of our favorite things about Barleymilk is that it was born as an upcycled solution for the millions of pounds of spent grain that are produced as a byproduct of beer brewing annually. Our partners at EverGrain have developed an Upcycled™ Certified solution for the billions of pounds of spent barley grain that are left over each year from brewing beer all around the world. They knew this nutrient rich spent – or, rather, ‘saved’ – grain was meant for a better future than a trip to the landfill. Through years of research and development, they've created the most sustainable and innovative alternative milk the industry has ever seen. It not only tastes great but also offers a level of nutrition that other alternatives haven’t. This product offers plant protein, fiber, and no sugar in addition to a super smooth, silky, toasty flavor that compliments our lattes perfectly.
Airship's Owner, Mark, answered some questions with Evergrain about how the Barleymilk Latte and EverGrain partnership came to be. Read the original interview here.