Anaerobic Naturals: Washed Coffee’s Funky Cousin
Looking for our washed coffee article? Read it here! Written by Claire Bullard, Airship's Sales Manager. The truth is that she's much more than that, and she wears an insane amount of hats around here - including fermentation nerd. We couldn't do any of it without her. The coffee industry was a soft place for me to land in 2015 when I didn’t know what I wanted for myself professionally. Since then I’ve been able to sell incredible coffee to a lot of people who are cooler than I’ll ever be, alongside folks who keep me laughing. What more could you...
Earth Day: How to be Better Stewards Together
Drink Coffee. Go Outside. If you've been following us for awhile, you've likely heard this motto or seen it on a t-shirt somewhere. While it's got a nice ring to it and general messaging that everyone can get behind, there's more to it than just a motto. The goal behind Drink Coffee Go Outside is to become active stewards instead of passive participants. Enjoying the great outdoors is one pillar of a balanced lifestyle - but connecting to the Earth by caring for it is an all-encompassing mission for us. From our relationships with our farming partners, their fermentation processes,...
Airship and Evergrain: The Barley Milk Latte
Sometimes things don’t work out for a reason. Although it felt like a huge inconvenience at the time, we’re glad the supply chain issues that stopped us from sourcing oatmilk led us to barleymilk. Ever heard of barleymilk? Yeah, we hadn’t either. Now we can’t stop talking about it. Barleymilk is upcycled, fully sustainable, and unlike any other milk alternative in the industry. One of our favorite things about Barleymilk is that it was born as an upcycled solution for the millions of pounds of spent grain that are produced as a byproduct of beer brewing annually. Our partners at...
Airship - Our Origin Story
Written by Mark Bray, Owner of Airship Coffee. Commonly referred to as the fellow who Steers the Ship.
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